March Notes 2024

Wow! Was Punxy Phil right or what? Spring with all its pinks, yellows, blue and green is here and the daffodils are already on their way out. The cherry blossoms are kicking. From dark to bright, it all seemed to happen overnight.

A cross section of one of the few logs in my garden. This one seemed slightly burnt. Kind of scary to think about…
A veiny oak leaf and bramble cane.
Hairy bittercress getting ready to shoot seeds if disturbed.
A swamp rose hip.
A lone peach blossom.
A lone American Winter Ant (Prenolepis imparis) looking for a mate?
Common violets (Viola sororia) looking anything but common.
Some kind of sweat bee burrow in the gravel path.

There is just nothing in the world like getting out on the first warm day and spending that entire day gardening until my muscles ache and my lips are chapped. I planted lettuce and snap peas, tightened up my raspberry canes and tidied up the meadow so it looks tidier but not that tidy. This year I didn’t start pepper plants early because of either laziness or because last year they and the tomatoes didn’t do too well I’m guessing because of the drought or poor soil or both. For now, I think I’ll take it one season at a time. The drought is over for now but it seems dry and we’re under a fire threat.

And there are some other issues such as cats. It started with a slinky calico and now we’re up to a gang of four. One we think might be deaf since it took it forever to notice my husband’s salutations. This poses somewhat of a problem for my habitat if they are hanging around but I’m happy the squirrels and blue jays make a good racket warning any other birds of the danger. And, no, we will not be feeding them. No way, I firmly tell my husband.

In contrast with the blooms, the bugs seem few. I’m not sure what this means. I hope they are just still sleeping. I hope they can find food when they wake up. I hope my garden will be buzzing with all kinds of interesting interactions soon! Happy Spring!

5 thoughts on “March Notes 2024”

  1. Happy Spring! So great to see your garden coming back to life 🙂 Good for you in getting back to gardening. I’m considering this weekend…if it’s sunny. Hope you find a way of dealing with the cats. There’s a wildcat that visits during the night and leaves its poop in my garden plots.

    1. Hope you have a sunny weekend for gardening, Rosaliene! I could use some of your rain! Sorry to hear about your cat pooping in your plants. He or she probably thought it made the perfect litter box. 🙁

  2. Ah, such glorious signs of spring! All those images have me itching for spring which is slower to come here. That’s no fun about the cats, though. I hope everyone can coexist with a minimum of drama. Thank you for sharing your habitat with us, Mara!

    1. Our spring came a month early this year which I guess is the new normal and probably a foreshadowing of a hot summer. But I still enjoy it all the same. I hope you can find some time to get out in your garden! As for the cats, I suppose there’s some good things about them such as maybe less voles eating my crops!

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